LHSG 19th Anniversary Events Seva No. 7

Continuing our celebrations for our 19th anniversary, LHSG Kenya members Monica and Pratima held a Ho’oponopono Workshop at the Faraja Cancer Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.

Please read on for Monica’s report.

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member


On 16 October 2024, we successfully conducted a Ho’oponopono workshop at Faraja Cancer Support with 23 attendees. This seva conducted by myself Monica Gokaldas and Pratima Dutt was part of our ongoing Anniversary Sevas.

The people were quite receptive and being an interactive lot they asked several questions. We had a mix of cancer patients, cancer survivors, care givers and volunteers of Faraja amongst our attendees. Our Reiki Level 2 healers Abhilasha Taq and Shila Shah also participated in the workshop.

Some people were on time at 10am sharp whilst others trickled in gradually. I took advantage of that and spoke about Reiki healing that we do at Faraja. Some participants were keen on learning reiki so we took down their names.

Pratima conducted some parts of the workshop as well when I took a break to write the certificates.

It was a fruitful seva as everyone felt gratitude at learning to let go.

Sr. Teresa came all the way from Machakos to attend the workshop. She somehow reached late but was able to grasp it well. She was curious about Reiki so I gave her a little sample of healing on her shoulder after the event. She said she felt a wave of energy filling her entire body and more so on her heart and was thrilled with the experience. She wants to learn Reiki.

Marjory shared her thoughts about practicing Reiki. I remembered having taught her reiki at Faraja so asked her if she’s been practicing. She thoroughly loved today’s workshop and said she feels so much lighter today.

Abhilasha shared her reiki experience. She’s very recently learnt her level 2 with Mamta and look how beautifully she’s applying it .

My gratitude for this opportunity for teaching this wonderful forgiveness technique.

Monica Gokaldas

LHSG Founder Member.


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LHSG 19th Anniversary Events Seva No. 6

Talk on Reiki and Free Healing.

This seva was carried out on 12 Oct 2024, at the Nairobi Gymkhana, Nairobi, Kenya.

Please read on for LHSG Kenya Monica’s report

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member


It was a successful event with 21 people attending. The sevaks were : LHSG Members Laveena Keswani, Prafulla Ji Ganatra, Pratima Dutt, Shariffa Keshavjee and myself, Monica Gokaldas, and our Reiki level 2 healers Shila   Abhilasha Tak.

From the 21 people only 4 knew and had had previous experience of Reiki and the rest had no clue about what Reiki meant or did. To my surprise and pleasure the 4 who knew about Reiki knew it because of LHSG and Kamal Ji and I too know them personally.

Everyone had excellent feedback though we were all busy taking out pictures or videos to record that. However, Abhilasha sprung into action at some point and clicked videos. Thank you Abhilasha.

Some of them showed keenness to learn Reiki and the Gymkhana management said they would organize for a training session and notify us.

The arrangements were done well by the club and they served freshly made refreshments (bhajias, spring rolls and chai) for everyone.

Pratima played the role of registrations, taking in healing requests, names of people interested in learning as well giving healing. Each of us were busy till 11.45 pm and then had refreshments as I interacted with those who wanted to speak to me.

My big gratitude to Prafulla Ji for the concept of this event, to Kamal ji for passing over this task to me, to Nairobi Gymkhana for organizing, to Pratima, Shariffa, Shila, Laveena and Abhilasha for all their support and time.

Love and Light

Monica Gokaldas

LHSG Founder Member

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LHSG 19th Anniversay Events Seva No. 5

A Reiki Level 2 Workshop for Sparsh Volunteers

In August, the Sparsh Volunteers were taught Reiki Level 1. One and a half months later, they were ready for Reiki Level 2. This workshop was conducted by LHSG Kenya Member Mamta Advani.

Please read on for her report.

Love and Light to all

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member


The first session of Reiki Level 2 for the Sparsh Foundation volunteers was held on 30th September. It went very well. I had 5 ladies for the class and they were all lovely and enthusiastic students. We started with prayers and sharing of experiences. They were taught the powerful Reiki 2 symbols which they learnt quickly and then they were attuned. They had lovely experiences during the attunement and said that they felt they were somewhere far away and took time to come back. Felt calm, relaxed and some tingling in the body. They did self-healing with the symbols and felt their Reiki had become stronger. Then we did distant healing for some people.

The second session of Reiki 2 for Sparsh volunteers held on 7th October, went very well too. The 5 ladies learnt more about distant healing and practices with symbols. They were happy to make their Reiki envelopes and to know the power of group healing.

It was a lovely class and it was my pleasure to teach them Reiki level 2.

I am grateful for this seva opportunity.

Mamta Advani

LHSG Kenya Member.

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LHSG 19th Anniversary Events Seva No. 4

Jaisalmer is a beautiful city in the Rajasthan desert of India. It is called ‘yellow city’ after the lovely golden granite found in plenty there. Like many of the places in Rajasthan, it is also a city of the royal’s descendants.

But sadly, it is also the place where many Hindu refugees from Pakistan come to stay. The conditions are very harsh, with very little water, and not much of a shelter. But, to the refugees who have had to leave due to religious persecution, it is heaven!

I came to know of one such Refugee camp. It is in a sandy and dry place, with little to no vegetation, giving it a drab and dreary look. I decided that planting trees was just what was needed to give a green face up lift to the place.   

Accordingly, I visited this camp in early October this year. And as I have done in Delhi, I involved the beautiful children. I first went through the steps of planting the LHSG way by asking forgiveness from Mother Earth, followed by chanting our Hindu Mantras when watering the tree and blessing it.

Keeping in mind the scarcity of water, only 20 such trees were planted around the area. They were Shisham (Indian Rosewood), Karanj (Indian Beech), Mollshree (Spanish Cherry), Lemon and Anar (Pomegranate) trees.

This whole activity was possible due to the unrelenting efforts of Hariomji Sahoo, the overseer of this camp, and to Rajaramji who did all the leg work. I am very grateful to them and to God for giving me this yet another opportunity to bring a little love and light in the lives of the needy and helpless. 

Plans are underway to teach Reiki to the adults and children in the camp.

Please do watch the video below.

Love and Light

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member.

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