Category Archives: LHSG Youth Group Activities

Activities and experiences of the youth group

More Children Reiki Healers in the World!

Forty Eight children 10 years and over in Mukuru Outreach Kenya Academy were gifted the healing power of Reiki in a training held over two Saturdays on the virtual platform of The first part, on 15th June, consisted of … Continue reading

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Tree Planting by Lotus Healing Seva Group

Plant a Tree. Plant forgiveness. Plant peace. Plant Love. Lotus Healing Seva Group has been planting trees in our own special way, using Reiki, Ho’oponopono Forgiveness and our Hindu mantras, since 2012. In October last year, we were approached by … Continue reading

Posted in LHSG Activities, LHSG Youth Group Activities | 1 Comment

Empowering Hindu Refugee Children Once Again!

Earlier in the year, 47 Hindu Refugee children from Pakistan had received the gift of Reiki. They had become Reiki healers! Come May, it was time to take them to the next level, and so empower them again! So, on … Continue reading

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Reiki Level 1 Camp for Hindu Refugee Children

Lotus Healing Seva Group has been Reiki associated with our Hindu Refugee children and their teacher Vikram Lalwani for about 4 years. We have been training them in Reiki level 1 and 2, after which they have been doing Reiki … Continue reading

Posted in LHSG Activities, LHSG Youth Group Activities | 2 Comments