Category Archives: Kamal Tolia Events

Healing events conducted by Kamal Tolia around the world

Thoughts And Practices Fro Enlightened Living 9

Asking For Forgiveness Part 9 Forgiveness for the Soul contd. Dr Hewlen did not counsel the patients nor did he administer any medicines. He used an old Hawaiin healing sytem called Ho’oponopono which means ‘to make right’ or ‘correct an … Continue reading

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Thoughts And Practices For Enlightened Living 8

Asking For Forgiveness Part 8. Forgiveness for the Soul contd. From last week: The cheerful smiling Dr. Iheakala Hewlen did not resign like his predecessors from the Hawaii state hospital. In fact, against all odds, his criminally insane patients became … Continue reading

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Thoughts And Practices For Enlightened Living 7

Asking For Forgiveness Part 7. Forgiveness for the Soul About 30 years ago, in Hawaii, the state hospital had a high security ward. Here the patients were criminally insane. They had committed crimes like murder, rape, assault, molestations. They were … Continue reading

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Thoughts And Practices For enlightened Living

Asking For Forgiveness … Part 6. Special Cases and Situations contd… What if the mistake you made has been done in the past, say, a few years ago and life has continued as normal. Perhaps the other party does not … Continue reading

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