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LHSG’s 3rd Reiki Training Camp in 2024!

After our two Reiki Level 1 Training sessions for Cancer patients, caregivers and volunteers at Faraja, and for the girls of Hawkers Market Girls Centre, we held a Reiki Level 1 training at Fikia Dada Centre in Limuru, Kenya. Fikia Dada translates into ‘Rescue Girls’ or ‘reach out to Girls’. It houses girls that have been rescued from abusive situations, young mothers, and girls rescued from FGM situations.

Sixteen learners, which included the girls, the housemother, volunteers and the ladies that have started the centre and run it learned how to heal themselves with Reiki and how to give Reiki to others as well. the training was conducted by LHSG Member Deepu Mahajan and I, Kamal Tolia, over two mornings, on 5th and 8th April. 

They all learned the method very quickly, and asked many pertinent questions during the sessions! and all reported feeling ‘great’ after receiving Reiki on the first and second day! Their reactions and questions are recorded in the video below.

Lotus Healing Seva Group sponsored the lunch for them on both days, which consisted of cabbage, Vegetable stew, chappatis, potato mash, fruits and cakes.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Margaret Ngina who runs the centre, for accepting our proposal to teach there, to Sarah a volunteer and Elisa, a volunteer and who introduced us to the Centre.

And thank you dear reader, for staying connected with us!

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member.    

Posted in LHSG Activities | 2 Comments

LHSG Reiki 1 Training 14 March 2024

 Lotus Healing Seva Group is very happy to announce the succesful completion of a Reiki Level 1 Training for cancer patients, their care givers, volunteers and therapists at Faraja Cancer Support Centre and the girls of Hawkwrs Market Girls Centre on 14 March 2024. The training was conducted by LHSG Founder Member Monica Gokaldas. Please read on for her report, and do watch the video at the end.

Thank you Dear Subscribers, for your support. 

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member


We had a successful reiki level 1 training for 36 people at *Faraja Cancer Support Kenya* on 14/03/24.

We had 22 ladies registered from *Hawkers Market Girls Centre* and 14 were registered by Faraja among which we had cancer patients, survivors, care givers and therapists. The LHSG volunteers were *Deepu Mahajan, Pratima Dutt, Shariffa Keshavjee, Harleen Gokaldas, Isabella* from HMGC and myself *Monica Gokaldas.*

The HMGC girls, Isabella reached well ahead of the scheduled time along with Shariffa ji. As they tried to settle in we took a few pictures and started with registrations and signing of consent forms. Deepu did a marvelous stern job of the registrations and was very thorough with her efforts.

The attunement went well as well and people had some lovely experiences such as seeing light and feeling its warmth, tingling, swaying, energy, vibrations, relaxation and even healing.

We had our lunch break at 1pm after the self healing session and followed it up with partner healing. 

We had three men among all the ladies and they all turned out to be excellent healers and wondered aloud why men shy away from such holistic practices and one of them had already visited our website and noticed all therapists are female. Harleen encouraged him to join the group and seva activities.

eepu conducted a part of the teaching as we went through the chakra healing and Pratima conducted the teaching of 5 principles . The participants had some questions which I tried to answer satisfactorily and I am very grateful at this opportunity of teaching today. My first camp of 36 adults.

Thank you, Love and Light

Monica Gokaldas

LHSG Founder Member

Posted in LHSG Activities | 1 Comment

Reiki Level 1 Camp for Hindu Refugee Children

Lotus Healing Seva Group has been Reiki associated with our Hindu Refugee children and their teacher Vikram Lalwani for about 4 years. We have been training them in Reiki level 1 and 2, after which they have been doing Reiki seva in and around their refugee camp in Delhi, India.

The Hindu refugees keep arriving from Pakistan, so the number of uninitiated children continues to increase. Therefore, on the morning of February 11, this year, I held a Reiki 1 on line training camp for 36 of these ‘new’ children. They turned up, all excited, all ready to learn this new technique of healing. Vikram Lalwani had already taught them about the chakras, etc, so the session consisting of attunement, self healing, experiences, giving honour to the Reiki Masters, etc. took 2 hours. It ended with a lunch of a samosa, grapes and juice, kindly sponsored by LHSG Kenya member Pratima Dutt.

Then, on 3 March, i again connected with them online to take them through Partner Healing. We also discussed the colours of the chakras. They gave their experiences. At the end of the class, i requested them to ‘do seva’ by giving healing to their family members and others in the refugee camp. This was followed by a lunch of vegetable pulao and grapes, kindly sponsored by LHSG India Member Mona Gayatri. 

This camp would not have been possible without the superb help of Vikram Narain Lalwani, who is such a dedicated healer and teacher. Many many thanks to him, and to the sponsors Pratima Dutt and Mona Gayatri.

And so it is, that these 36 little refugee children aged 10 years and over, who have so little in life, suddenly became richly blessed and empowered with the healing power of Reiki! 

The two events have been captured in Hindi, their language of communication, in the videos that follow. 

Love and Light to all!

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

Part 1

Part 2

Posted in LHSG Activities, LHSG Youth Group Activities | 2 Comments

Year 2024: Two Training Camps!

The New Year 2024 saw our Reiki Sevas start in full swing! Our UAE member in charge Kirtikala Kamdar conducted two Reiki training camps in India, one in Ahemdabad, and another one in Mumbai. 

Please read on for her report. 

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member.

Reiki Level 1 Training Camp in Ahemdabad, India 29 Jan 2024

I was in Ahemedabad in Ridhis house. Ridhi told me that she wished her daughter of 10 years to start her spiritual journey by stepping into the world of Reiki. There was also a househelp of 20 years, Usha, who had anger issues due to a traumatic childhood, who i wanted to teach Reiki as well. Then Ridhis son Aarav, aged approx. 6 years, said he wanted to learn as well. 

So I had a class of 3 students! I gave the manual in Hindi to the househelp and taught them all in a way they could understand. They all did self healing and actually felt the Reiki warmth and ‘something’ moving in their body.

Later, Aarav did healing again on himself at night because he had cough and he did it very seriously. The househelp, Usha also felt good and thanked me. For energy exchange, Usha happily gave Rs 11, and the kids happily gave me the same amount, Rs 11 from their piggy banks!!

Thank you 

Kirtikala Kamdar

LHSG UAE in charge.

Reiki Level 3A Training camp in Mumbai, India, 30th January 2024

Today I taught Reiki Level 3A to Zenia Jain, who will be 11 years in March this year. she had completed Reiki 2 and had been practising it, and would also do Reiki for her parents when they requested it. I had also been sending her some simple requests for healing. I did the Reiki level 3A attunement, and this is her experience. She said she saw a beautiful museum in a circular shape on a river bank and there was a small temple in the centre in which was Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki. There was a path going on the river, to the temple. Birds chirping,, and sound of water …. she was the only one there in the temple, and everything was peaceful. She also felt strong energy coming from above and going forcefully in her palms and heart chakra. She was very grateful for this opportunity to learn Reiki that God has given her! 

Love and Light to all!!

Kirtikala Kamdar

LHSG UAE in charge


Posted in LHSG Activities, LHSG Youth Group Activities | 3 Comments