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More Children Reiki Healers in the World!

Forty Eight children 10 years and over in Mukuru Outreach Kenya Academy were gifted the healing power of Reiki in a training held over two Saturdays on the virtual platform of

The first part, on 15th June, consisted of the attunement and self-healing of all chakras and the body. Although we started late, as the school did not have electricity, the training went on quite well, with the generator’s hum in the background, and the occasional crowing of a cock!.

For the second part, on 22nd June we were not so lucky. They still didn’t have electricity, could not hear me well, and there was a lot of back ground noise in the school, the and the wifi kept dropping …. It soon became clear to me that I would not get through to them ….. So, I decided to let LHSG Mukuru member Teacher Vincent, take over, which he did superbly! I just stayed online, and watched the training going on, occasionally prompting Vincent on the phone. In spite of the challenges, partner healings were done very well, and voila! We had 48 new Reiki healers in the world.

The training on both days ended with them enjoying soda and bread sponsored by Lotus healing Seva Group. Yes sure, it is not a healthy choice, but it was a treat for them, which they can seldom afford.

I give thanks to the Universe for affording me yet another opportunity to uplift the vibrations of these innocent children with Reiki. And this camp would not have been possible without the support of LHSG Mukuru member, the Head Teacher Enock Nyanyanga, and the superb assistance of LHSG Mukuru member Teacher Vincent, Teacher Omondi and Teacher Rebecca Mukaina. Many Thanks to them all.

Please do watch the videos that follow.

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

Mukuru Reiki 1 Training Day 1 Video

Mukuru Reiki 1 Training Day 2 Video 

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Tree Planting by Lotus Healing Seva Group

Plant a Tree. Plant forgiveness. Plant peace. Plant Love.

Lotus Healing Seva Group has been planting trees in our own special way, using Reiki, Ho’oponopono Forgiveness and our Hindu mantras, since 2012. In October last year, we were approached by the head of the Brahma Kumaris Foundation Sr Vedanti and by Sr Pratibha to join them in their celebration of 50 years in Africa, by holding our own workshops / talks at their Raj Yoga Centre in Nairobi.

One of the three events we chose to have there was Tree Planting in our own unique and special way. This was done on 8th June 2024. It consisted of first of all, talking about Global warming, and the importance of trees to offset it, followed by discussing the steps to planting a tree the Sattvic way, with Reiki, forgiveness and the Mantras of Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, and Vraksha Rakshati Rakshitaha. Next came the  demonstration and the actual planting.

A mint plant and a lavender plant were used for the planting, which was done in pots. These were later presented to the Brahma Kumaris sisters. After the planting, I took them through a meditation to charge our waters with positive vibrations. Each person that attended the event was given a paper detailing the steps to be carried out, and a plant of each kind to take home.

I was joined in this seva by our LHSG members Monica Gokaldas (Founder Member), Anuradha Nath, Harleen Gokaldas, Prafulla Ganatra and Laxmi Velani. We were joined by our LHSG Mukuru Outeach Kenya Academy Members Head Teacher Enock Nyanganga, Vice Head Teacher Vincent Muema, and LHSG Youth members Emmanuel De’junior, Valentine Mudash and Cyprene Baraka.

Many thanks to Sr Vedanti and the sisters of the Brahma Kumari Organisation for lending us the use of their centre, and many thanks also  to my Group members for all their help at the event. 

Love and Light to all.

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

Slide show


Posted in LHSG Activities, LHSG Youth Group Activities | 1 Comment

Empowering Hindu Refugee Children Once Again!

Earlier in the year, 47 Hindu Refugee children from Pakistan had received the gift of Reiki. They had become Reiki healers! Come May, it was time to take them to the next level, and so empower them again!

So, on 25 May they were attuned to the second level of Reiki and they did self-healing with the symbols. Then on 8 June they were taught the different issues to which they could send distant Reiki: Sick people, relationships, souls of people / animals who had died, The Earth and the five elements. They also wrote intentions concerning family members and friends on pieces of papers which they placed in their ‘Reiki Box’ to which they gave Reiki. Having come from Pakistan, where they had experienced religious persecution, suppression and fear, they considered themselves to be fortunate to be in ‘safe’ India. Therefore, understandably, many of their requests centred on their relatives and friends left behind in Pakistan.

Twentyseven that were already Reiki level 2 healers since last year, also attended the training camp. They were re-attuned to level 2!

The Reiki camp concluded with the children blessing their lunch with Reiki using the newly mastered symbols, before consuming it!

This Reiki camp was conducted by me, with the invaluable help of our LHSG India Member Vikram, who is a Hindu refugee himself, and is the teacher in the Adarsh Nagar refugee camp in Delhi. Many thanks also go to Arpita Kundu, who so generously sponsored the lunch of vegetable pulao and watermelon for both the days.

I give my thanks to the Universe for giving me yet another opportunity to do this seva.

As always, the videos and pictures follow. Do watch them.

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

Slide show


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LHSG Ho’oponopono Workshop No.3

Lotus Healing Seva Group held 3 workshops on Ho’oponopono, conducted by LHSG Founder Member Monica Gokaldas. Here is the third one.

Love and Light to all!

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

Ho’oponopono Class

After the successful workshop of Ho’oponopono some ladies had requested to do a complete class about forgiveness and it was decided to conduct the same on May 3rd 2024. On the scheduled day, 2 ladies turned up instead of 5 owing to the heavy rains and flooding in and around Nairobi. The schools were closed hence some mothers couldn’t attend due to children being at home.

However, undaunted I, Monica Gokaldas moved ahead with training just the two ladies as they were quite keen. They both experienced a lot of release of emotions and were able to go through all the exercises very well. The ladies Sarika and Nikita did not have many past issues yet understood the significance of Ho’oponopono in daily life. They particularly found it interesting to do forgiveness with immediate family members and with elements of Mother Nature.

It was my late mother’s birthday in end of April and her death anniversary in early May and I dedicated this seva in her memory and consider myself fortunate to be able to give back to the society in my own way. I hereby wish to express my gratitude to Kamal Tolia who has groomed me into passing on this art to others selflessly.

Monica Gokaldas


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