Category Archives: Appreciation
Reiki Healing and Appreciation
I came I saw I gave Reiki Mercy, the Guest Relations Manager at a Hotel in Diani, on the coast of Kenya, was in terrible pain after the removal of her wisdom tooth. I explained all about the healing energy … Continue reading
Appreciation and Gratitude
Namaste to all! Please do watch the short clips below that capture Binita Mehta’s Gratitude for the healing sent by Lotus Healing Seva Group to her nephew over a long period. Kamal Tolia LHSG Founder Member
Reiki Helps In Multiple Issues!
The Lotus Healing Seva Group has been sending Reiki to Puneet Punjabi since the last couple of years. We are delighted at his progress! Please read on for his mother Sangeeta Punjabi LHSG India member’s account of his recovery. We … Continue reading
Appreciation and Gratitude
The LHSG Kenya have been associated with Compassionate Hands Centre for the Physically and Mentally Disabled in Ruai since the past 4 years. We have been making donations of food and clothing to them, planting trees in their compound, sponsoring … Continue reading