Lotus Healing Seva Group goes young!
15th December 2008 was a special day in the history of the Seva Group, for a brand new chapter was opened …. The Lotus Healing Seva YOUTH Group, comprising of under 16’s Reiki Healers!
Although unofficially 4 of them had met earlier on Harleen’s birthday to distribute food to the poor at the Jalaram Temple, the group was officially started on 15th December, with a full contingent of 6 Reiki healers.
And what does the Youth Group do?
Simple: They do what the adult group does and in a way, even more!
Like the senior group, once a week they heal requests, people in hospitals, people with chronic and or serious ailments, and they heal the earth and global issues. They will also take part in our annual Reiki camps.
They are:
Harleen Gokaldas, (13 years) a level 3A Reiki healer, is in charge of this beautiful group:
Karishma Kassam, (13 years) Reiki level 3A
Sonali Shah (13 years) Reiki level 3A
Krishna Kanji (13 years) Reiki level 3A
Krupali Patel (14 years) Reiki Level 2
Anoushka Kassam (10 years) Reiki level 2
We are very proud of these young people and the spirit with which they have come together to serve society!
All their activities can be found in the LHSG Youth Group Activities section