12th Anniversary Seva No. 6

Lotus Healing Seva Group is on the roll ….. no sooner had we finished our last seva No. 6 than seva no. 7 was upon us … a Reiki level 2 camp conducted by Monica (LHSG Kenya)! Many thanks go to Shruti Shah of Arama Lifestyle Centre for giving us the space to conduct this Reiki camp at the centre. 

Please read on for Monica’s account and do watch the slide show at the end. Thank you for your support!

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member


Having practiced their Reiki 1 for the given period three ladies who came to Arama Lifestyle Home last month were now geared up to learn the Level 2 Reiki. The three women came in cheerful and excited to Arama on the 10th October and shared their experiences of Reiki with me. I was off course thrilled to hear of their practice and then commenced teaching them.

It was a nice combination of young and not so young but they were very good with their healing energies and that is what mattered. Gaining access to Reiki symbols was something new two of them whilst one of them remembered partially of the same having learnt many years ago. They loved the attunement and felt much empowered with the energies.

To my surprise one of the students Dhwani practiced her reiki 2 on someone the same evening as she visited her at the hospital and her healing made a noticeable difference to the patient. She saw the healee’s new born baby in an incubator and upon reaching back home she was self guided to do distance healing for the baby. The next morning on the 11th October as we continued the class she mentioned this experience.

Having learnt about doing distance healing Dhwani realized she had already done it perfectly well for the baby. However, she continued to practice distance healing for the same baby. Later in the day she was informed that her healing had had miraculous effect on the baby and the mother and that the baby didn’t need the incubator any more. They were discharged the next day. This experience made me extremely grateful as this was my debut at solo conducting a level 2 teaching. I thanked Reiki and the Universe and off course my guru Kamal Tolia for giving me this seva opportunity.

On the whole the session went very well. The eldest member in the group Veena had wonderful experience even after Level 1. She is now able to sleep well for up to seven hours at stretch without taking sleeping pills as compared to pre-reiki course when after having doubled the dosage of pills she couldn’t sleep more than 2-3 hours. My little success stories have helped me gain confidence in being a teacher.

Monica Gokaldas

LHSG Founder Member

Slide Show


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2 Responses to 12th Anniversary Seva No. 6

  1. Reaching out
    Touching the hearts of young people awakens them. It stirs love in them. When they are touched by reiki, their journey to changing from within begins.
    Look at the eyes of the dear children.
    Imagine Reiki kindling a ray of hope in their hearts.
    How blessed we are as LHSG to kindle a light in the souls of our dear little children. Thank you for the Seva

  2. As we arrived in Ruai. In trepidation as always it a special call to see children that are less mobile, agile and abandoned.
    A joy to see their progress and that they receive shelter,food,therapy,love and care.
    This time it made the ineffable real to me. Under Kamalji guidance we healed the heart centre of the students. They were calm immediately,soothed and the atmosphere in the room changed as did our hearts surrender. A surrender to something greater was unleashed.
    Thank you LHSG

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