LHSG International Mother Earth Day Individual Celebrations 4

And lastly, our long standing Kenya member, healer-poetess Shariffa Keshavji, from whom Reiki and poetry simply flow and flow …… together in equal measure …… honours Mother Earth in her own special inimitable way …… through 2 poems, no less!

Thank you Shariffa …..

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

My tribute to Mother Earth ….

We are ever grateful Mother Earth

We place our feet on Mother Earth

You never fail us dear Mother Earth

Leaves spiraling down in dance to Earth

Colours so varied come to join the Earth

Dew drops like diamonds come from Earth

We are only transient here on Earth

So we give Reiki, do good while on Earth

Lotus group makes strong this Earth

For we may not traverse again this Earth

Celebrate the morning light full of mirth

The sun ablaze to bathe this Earth

The sun warms Mother Earth it’s need

Breaks the sky into bronze and rust indeed

We give obeisance in prayer we bid

In our breath and word and every deed

Place crystals all directions in every bed

Invoking high energy for all who need

Then at night in gratitude the dusky Earth

Shades of warm peach turn dark the Earth

A signal to join in prayer, repose on Earth

The circadian rhythm, balanced on Earth

We bow down to you for bounty of Earth

This day every day is glory to this Earth

Shariffa Keshavji LHSG Kenya

Mother Earth

When we think of Mother Earth

Full of innovation is Mother Earth

Embracing us just as mother does

Unconditional and ever present for us

This Mothers Day  she whispers of rain

Makes the birds hide and appear again

The asphalt bursts in sparks silver rain

The rain drops bounce off into the drain

Now  andante, now piccolo fall the rain

How I love the rhythm of the falling rain

It rises to a crescendo trees falls

Roots to the sky and lies supine boles

The wind dies and the moan stops

Back to Mother Earth the tree goes

Other trees pick up the rhythm in a shiver

Plays the melody like an unending river

The gust of soil and debris all heaves

And I hear the rain drops in my eves

Thank you Gaia for your presence ever

Dharti Mata giving up on us? Never !

Your bosom heaves air changed forever

The scent of champa roses and clover

The scent of wet soil is balm to the world

Healing all sentient beings it wafts toward

So hushed and quiet earth moves forward

Pay obeisance to thee,we move forward

Shariffa Keshavjee

Muse of Mother Earth

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4 Responses to LHSG International Mother Earth Day Individual Celebrations 4

  1. Kirtikala says:

    You always write so wonderfully and it touches my heart always.
    The words you use and the way you write, it connects so beautifully.
    Blessings always.

  2. Deepa Doshi says:

    Wonderful Seva by all the LHSG members. Very touching!
    Shariffaji you write beautifully and express superbly in a few words! Love your poems!
    Lots of love and light

  3. Rajinderpal says:

    What ever you write comes from the heart heat more can I say but just keep it up.
    Gurujee bless you.

  4. LHSG what a huge list of Seva, was done for Mother Earth Day. So much love and light sent out to celebrate
    Children became aware and the earth itself rejoiced as we all joined hands to celebrate
    Now that the seeds are planted, saplings in the ground, it is all set in motion for Mother Earth and us to celebrate
    How this ripple effect will have a multiplier effect for the earth, for the children, fruit of our effort we will celebrate.
    Thank you for the impetus,!so now you we celebrate

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