9th Anniversary Celebrations … Kenya, Nairobi, Seva No. 3

Seva No. 3. Healing the animals at the grounds of the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals

Kamal …..

On Thursday 30th October, we went to heal the animals in the KSPCA grounds. The organization has been in existence for 30 years, and is run by a lady called Jean Gilchrest who has been with the organization since its inception. They had lots and lots of cats and dogs, a few horses, donkeys and a pig. Initially, the animals would bark and meow some of them piteously, but as soon as we started beaming Reiki on them, they would quieten down and remain so till we were healing them! All these animals are rescued ones, and most of them were neglected, starved and or abused. It was saddening to know that some people do not treat their animals well. Nina and I were given the section where there were the very sick dogs and cats that had just been operated on and those that were recovering. As I stood outside the kennels and gave them Reiki, I remembered my own dog Rusty and how ill he had been towards the end. It was a very moving experience for me, to say the least.

They also had two marabou storks. These had been rescued from a tree that was being cut down on Lusaka road in Industrial area. When the tree was being cut, these storks just would not fly away. So the KSPCA was called, two of their workers went up with a blanket in a huge basket on a crane, covered the storks with the blanket and rescued them. Later they discovered that the birds could not fly! And later still that one of them had a damaged beak. Then there were two tiny, little, so so so cute puppies that had been rescued from the Sarit Centre Parking area. They were brought to the KSPCA before the street people could get to them to sell them on the streets. The KSPCA has tried with the City council to arrest these people selling  animals on the street, but have not been successful because the city council officials arrest them, only to release them a few blocks away! Also the people get violent, when the authorities come to get them, throwing stones at all cars, and once one of them even broke a bottle and came after Jean with the broken bottle threatening to ‘get her’. So this inhumane, illegal sale of puppies, rabbits, and other animals on the streets continues unabated. ….

At the end of the healing session, we were elated over a statement made by Jean. According to her, whenever they had visitors walking the grounds, all the dogs and cats would be barking and meowing, louder and louder, until it would become unbearable, and one had to almost cover ones ears. But, she noticed, that throughout our time there, the animals barked and meowed very little. According to her, we exuded peace and love! Thank you Reiki for being with us and making us ambassadors of peace and love!

Sharing our Love and Light with others is always a gratifying experience. But sharing them with animals who cannot speak to us about their pain and suffering, transcends all previous exhilarating experiences. Thank you, Sheela for organizing this seva for us. We hope we can repeat this seva more often.

Mamta ….

Thank you! Thank you!  Thank you

To the universe, Reiki, Kamalji and Sheela for thinking of this beautiful Sewa!

I love animals and this was my way of saying thank you to them for teaching us unconditional love! There were plenty of dogs and I enjoyed playing with them thoroughly with my partner Yatinderji! 

Moving on to the dogs that were sick we (about 10 of us) healed them together and they took a lot of healing. We felt very emotional as we sensed the pain of abandonment in them as many of them had been abandoned!

Moving on to the cats, birds, pigs, donkeys and horses the whole experience of healing the animals was amazing and left me feeling very elated!

Love n light!

Monica Gokaldas …..

A Humbling Experience:

On The 30th October 2014 I along with the LHSG, Kenya group went to the KSPCA to give Reiki healing to the animals at the centre. This Seva was a part of our lineup of various Seva activities to commemorate the 9th Anniversary of our group.

As we reached there I was a bit unsure if I will be able to actually conduct any worthwhile seva as I thought I might be just scared. I am not a Dog lover at all and there were Dogs all around, walking around us, sniffing us etc. For a moment I thought, ‘Oh God! I want to run away from here”. I tried to cheer myself and divert my focus by clicking pictures and we all laughed and had fun while trying to get a group selfie from our mobiles.

Then Jean, the in charge of the centre came along with Kamal and Sheela and guided us all as to what all we had to do. Sheela had everything planned quite well and divided us all in pairs. I was paired with Dee. Dee is fond of Dogs but I am not. I really admire what Dee did for me. She is not fond of cats but agreed to come with me to the Cattery because I am scared of Dogs.  She began with healing the dogs in the cages near the cattery but later did join in to heal the cats as well and vice versa I went ahead to give healing to the dogs. While doing the healing I silently said ho’opono pono to the animals and sometimes even spoke out loud.

I must say, it was very humbling. The moment I saw one three legged dog, who was whining away, I started to give him healing. He continued sitting quietly throughout. While he was getting healing, I felt a transformation within myself. I was so close to the dog and he wasn’t in a cage, yet I wasn’t scared. Instead a channel of love was pouring out from my heart towards it. I was amazed at what a seva activity could do to me. After that I gave healing to other sick and injured dogs as well without any fear.

The cattery was a lovely place as I felt all the cats were communicating with me through their eyes. As I began to give healing, they were trying to gather attention by coming towards my direction so I could give them healing. It was a beautiful experience as I could feel a cat’s sadness, a cat’s protectiveness towards her kittens, a cat’s authoritative behavior, a cat’s plead for healing her loneliness etc. I felt very connected to their minds and they with their cute low mews expressed their gratitude.

We even gave healing to donkeys, horses, storks and pigs. This was very unique that we had this great opportunity to share our gift of Reiki energy with other creatures that are so much more receptive.

Before leaving the premises, we collectively gave healing to all the staff at KSPCA and while doing so I felt the souls of various animals coming to take healing from me. I didn’t know what that meant but just sent healing to them all.

I feel very humbled and grateful at being a part of LHSG as such opportunities are not easy to get and we are fortunate to get such moments of satisfaction where we are able to share our unconditional love and get reformed at our heart and soul.

Sheela …..

30th October marked our, ie.LHSG Kenya’s, seva morning at KSPCA. And what an awesome experience it was. We were 20 of us in attendance for giving healing to animals such as dogs, cats, donkeys, horses, pigs and marabou storks. These animals were in all sizes, some in good health, some in not so good health and some in pretty dire state. But all of them wanting healing nevertheless. After dividing ourselves into pairs and placing ourselves at the different enclosures, I found myself in the enclosure consisting of cats and horses. My partner, Jean Thomas (LHSG) and I first started with the cats on one side who were feeling poorly before moving over to the others. Jean then went in to the sub-enclosure where the rest of the cats were and gave healing there while I moved over to where the horses were. These horses were not ill but instead were severely malnourished. Since they were in the middle of their morning breakfast, I decided to stand a little afar , so not to disturb them, and give the healing. With my eyes closed, I could hear them loudly munching away non-stop …. yes, they were hungry. Opening my eyes to check , I noticed one large horse looking at me while eating away, when he then started to come towards me. I stood my ground, feeling a bit unsure and continuing with my healing when this beautiful creature presented himself to me to touch him. Yes, he presented himself because in the process of making his way to me, he had to stop 3 times to refill his mouth with yummy grub before he was finally smack in my face! I smiled, laid my hands on the side of his face and slowly walked with him like that so he could continue refilling his mouth. It was as if he was telling me to give him hands on healing while he also had to eat!! I did that for a few minutes with my eyes closed and when I opened my eyes again I found all the horses in some what of a circle looking at me intensely but their mouths busy munching away. Momentarily I felt I was going to hear them speak to me! Exhilarating, overwhelming, magical and humbling is what I felt. Then just like that the healing stopped! They then moved away, going about their business and I …….. well, I silently gave my thank you to them for that moment of magic and to Reiki for the reason for being there. Rejoining the rest of the group, I could see everyone was somewhat elated and full of smiles…… yes, indication of Reiki at its best.

My humble gratitude to Reiki and my Lotus sisters for making this seva exercise a successful one. LnL

Jean Thomas…..

Visit to K.S.P.C.A  Thursday 30th October 2014.

What a super morning of seva this was! We car-pooled and went in convoy to Langata, where the KSPCA has been based.for over 30years. We met Jean, the manager, who with her helpers has been running the KSPCA  since the beginning. Jean gave us some background to the organization and showed us round with the help of one of her team . This helped us appreciate the important work the KSPCA do in Nairobi and the difficulties they face, financial and otherwise. The initial tour also served to help us plan how to carry out the healing of dogs, cats, horses, pigs, and a pair of marabou storks. The animals were grouped together according to type and health status. Sheela (whose idea it was to visit the KSPCA) decided how we should be divided up and she sent us off in pairs to do the healing.

I was pleased to be asked to heal cats and the animals around the main cat enclosures. I am particularly fond of cats and they gravitate towards me. I was very touched that 2 of the females who had been spayed the day before, settled on my lap as I got down to healing the cats in the enclosure.

We felt very at peace doing this seva. But we did not stop at healing the animals. Towards the end of our visit, Jean the Manager, gave us the opportunity to ask questions and Kamal gave an expose on the power of Reiki. We were pleased that Jean got all the helpers together as we wanted them to know why we were visiting. We also wanted to bless them all with Reiki and give them all the opportunity for a long-term healing relationship with LHSG.

The visit was beautifully rounded off with a delicious Chinese lunch all together in Westlands, where we were to say farewell to our member Jayanti, who is leaving shortly to live in India.

Love and Light,

Jayanti …..

We give healings – physical and mental-  to humans, but to give healing to animals on such an extensive scale  is a novel experience. Of late I feel very strongly of the plight of animals, specially as they can’t talk. I became very conscious of this in KSPCA. They bark, are conscious of their immediate physical environment, but can’t talk. They must have felt very happy to have so many giving them healing and prayers. We felt their attention for they looked and barked. May we continue giving them Reiki at least once in 2 months, if not once a month. I plan to go to Kolkata zoo to give Reiki.

Love n light

Cooky …….

Today’s seva make you realize how these innocent non speaking souls yearn for company, love and attention.

Beasts of the wild to a certain extent need some sort of healing intervention. Their situations can be so unpredictable.

Some of those longing eyes will always hold a special place in my heart.

Thank you for the chance to connect to these special souls.


Deepa Doshi …..

After the seva at KSPCA, my life has changed. Some blocked energy channels have suddenly opened up! I am so grateful to the whole group and Kamalji …

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One Response to 9th Anniversary Celebrations … Kenya, Nairobi, Seva No. 3

  1. Nicole says:

    Thank you to Sheela for initiating the visit to the KSPCA. I am so touched by LHSG’s work with the animals there. Thank you so much.

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