15thAnniversary Celebrations Event No. 8

India Reiki Level 1 Training On line Workshop.

In a first of its kind in terms of teaching in Hindi on line, 46 people sitting in their homes in Delhi, India participated in a Reiki Level 1 workshop conducted on Zoom by me as I sat in front of my computer in Nairobi, Kenya. It was held for 1.5 hours over four afternoons on Nov 29th and 30th, Dec 1st and 2nd.

The participants ranged in age from 35 to 84 years. Each of them mastered the techniques of self-healing and healing others, and in no time were reporting very good shifts in their physical and emotional problems. The last hour of the course was spent doing a Reiki question-answer session. They had very many Reiki related questions. This in itself gave a measure of their interest in understanding Reiki and using it to go further in healing.   

Overall, it was a joy teaching them, and I look forward to taking them further to the next level of Reiki.

This Hindi workshop came about due to the interest of our India members Sumiti Takkar and her mother Sneh Sehgal, to promote Reiki in India. Gratitude to them and to Mr. Rajkumar Dhyani who facilitated the whole program on Zoom.

This event concludes Lotus Healing Seva Group’s 15th Anniversary seva celebrations!

The video that follows is in Hindi. If you speak and / or understand Hindi, please do watch and give your comments!

Love and Light to all!

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member

Video: Reiki Experiences and Testimonials in Hindi

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