LHSG 19th Anniversay Events Seva No. 5

A Reiki Level 2 Workshop for Sparsh Volunteers

In August, the Sparsh Volunteers were taught Reiki Level 1. One and a half months later, they were ready for Reiki Level 2. This workshop was conducted by LHSG Kenya Member Mamta Advani.

Please read on for her report.

Love and Light to all

Kamal Tolia

LHSG Founder Member


The first session of Reiki Level 2 for the Sparsh Foundation volunteers was held on 30th September. It went very well. I had 5 ladies for the class and they were all lovely and enthusiastic students. We started with prayers and sharing of experiences. They were taught the powerful Reiki 2 symbols which they learnt quickly and then they were attuned. They had lovely experiences during the attunement and said that they felt they were somewhere far away and took time to come back. Felt calm, relaxed and some tingling in the body. They did self-healing with the symbols and felt their Reiki had become stronger. Then we did distant healing for some people.

The second session of Reiki 2 for Sparsh volunteers held on 7th October, went very well too. The 5 ladies learnt more about distant healing and practices with symbols. They were happy to make their Reiki envelopes and to know the power of group healing.

It was a lovely class and it was my pleasure to teach them Reiki level 2.

I am grateful for this seva opportunity.

Mamta Advani

LHSG Kenya Member.

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One Response to LHSG 19th Anniversay Events Seva No. 5

  1. Master Usui shared the healing light LHSG continues to spread the love and light. Touching and changing lives.

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