Soul Reflections The Art of Giving …….. and Receiving

Part 2 …. Giving and Generosity

Giving fosters Generosity. If we learn to give when we are little, we learn to become generous. A child that is encouraged to give to others finds the joy of giving and generosity automatically becomes part of his / her nature.

A mother I know encouraged her children to put aside the excess pocket money they had left at the end of the month. Over a few months it collected to a sizable amount for them to buy milk and bread to feed the street children near their school. In time they did not wait for the end of the month to put aside some money, they put aside some as soon as they received their pocket money at the beginning of the month. These children learned very early what it means to share and the joy of fulfillment that comes with it. They grew up to be very generous beings, giving freely to needy causes on a regular basis.

Sometimes we forget what it is to be generous. You can remind yourself by observing Nature. Spread some bird seed near a bush or tree in your garden. Observe how the birds in the bush or tree start chirping in excitement, informing their friends about the delicious meal spread out below. They never come alone to feed. They display their generous nature by inviting all their feathered friends to share the bounty.

Keeping the above in mind, people in the South of India are encouraged to give some food to the crow every day and observe him. Invariably the crow caws and caws loudly, calling his friends to share the morsel. The other crows swoop down and they all share the food together and then fly off to repeat the act somewhere else!

Giving is great for both the receiver and the giver. They love each other even more and it brings them closer together. When the giving is practised by both parties, they come close enough to experience oneness. That is the time we begin to feel that the other and I are one. I will then never gift to others what I would not like to receive. Along with becoming generous, I also become thoughtful in my Giving.

In summary, firstly, Giving helps you show you care. Secondly, it makes you Generous. And thirdly, you learn the golden rule: Give to others as you would have others Give to you.

Kamal Tolia


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