LOTUS HEALING SEVA GROUP6th Anniversary Celebrations 16 Nov. 2011

Kenya (Tuesday Group)


By Isabella Asenwa (Leader)

The LHSG Kenya Tuesday Group which consists of the girls at the Hawkers Market Girls Centre started LHSG’s 6th Anniversary Seva celebrations by doing Seva at Mother Teresa Home on 16th Nov 2011 at 10.00am.

We were welcomed by the sister in charge, Sister Mildred, who showed us around the place and the first place we went was in the baby’s ward which had young babies of 1month to 1 year. It has a capacity of 70 children.

We were not allowed to centre in since the babies were asleep and we would wake them up, therefore all the girls were allowed to see them through the windows but the teachers that is and Cecelia and I were allowed to enter. What amazed me was a set of triplets who had been left by their mother at the place since she had no means of taking care of them and she was mentally not well. We were told that most of the children at that place had been found thrown in dustbins and others wrapped in paper bags, so the home takes them to hospitals after they house them. They usually get people to adopt them. If they are not adopted, they stay and school at the home.

The second place we went was for the elderly women who are mentally sick and handicapped. They are between the age of 14 years to elderly women. Most of them have been rejected by their families because of their conditions and they have no place to go so that is where they stay. Since they were having their lunch we were not able to interact with them.

Lastly we went to the ward which contained children who had been born with disabilities and some of them are place in one large bed. Since they are not able to walk or sit they have to be feed, washed and clothed. In this group we were able to interact with them and they were so happy we surrounded them and sent  Reiki  to them. The energy was so powerful that you could feel your hands shaking. Each girl was able to say a prayer to them and we took their names and we have decided that every Tuesday we will be sending Healing to them.

We had carried with us Bunches of Bananas, Oranges and Mangoes for which we  had been given money to purchase by Kamal and we gave to the sister and they were very appreciative and urged us to take more people even for service especially on Saturdays.

The LHSG Sevaks that did this Seva were: Faith, Yvonne M, Cecelia, Mercy, Sheila N, Yvonne A, Seline, Hellen, Ashley, Mary, Gladys, Winnie, Sheila A, Lillian, Florence and Isabella.


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