LOTUS HEALING SEVA GROUP 6th Anniversary Celebrations New York, Nov, 2011


Seva: Reiki healing to the East River, New York, Nov, 2011

By Rashmi Thakar (LHSG Mini Group)

I gave healing to the East River which is a river near my house once a week for 4 weeks in the month of November. I filled a bottle with water from the tap and then went to the River and gave it healing.

I started to do it around 4:30pm and I took the bottle in my hand and gave it Reiki. I drew the symbols on the bottle and on the river and wished it all the positive thoughts such as LOVE, good health, forgiveness and happiness and that it heals and gives positive energy to the people who live around the river and that it stays calm and not increase during bad weather and that it helps the people and not be destructive during weather storms like when we had the hurricane Irene and to give good vibrations to all the rivers that are connected to it. The river connects to the Hudson River and then to the Atlantic Ocean.

When I gave the healing I felt a sense of peace and felt it took a lot of energy. The Reiki went on and would not stop. So after 10 minutes or so I ended it by giving it continuous healing. I finally poured the water into the river chanting “AUM” several times. The water was normally calm after I did this.

Love and Light to all.

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