Six weeks ago LHSG Kenya was asked to visit a home for young girls with a view to donating stuff to them.
Punita and I went one morning not really knowing what to expect. Little did we know that we would be in for a shock! For what we saw broke our heart!
It was a young girls’ shelter that we were taken to. We were introduced to seven young girls aged 12 – 16 years, and one had a tiny baby! Two girls were from Kenya, victims of child labour. The remaining five were victims of child trafficking and child labour, two were from Congo, two from Ethiopia and one from Uganda. And sadly, all had been sexually abused.
Even as Punita and I listened to the Director of the home explain the situation, the only thought that kept running through our minds was how forlorn the girls looked, how badly they needed healing! Immediately we started sending love and Light from our hearts to them.
We decided to give them weekly Reiki sessions. Every Friday for 4 weeks we went to the shelter to give them hands on Reiki. Even though the shelter is far from Nairobi, we made and carried out this commitment. We knew these little souls needed our help!
And the result was fantastic, to say the least! After just 2 sessions, the girls started to open up … they smiled, they sang! When we went the third time, they hugged us and told us how much they loved us! They were sleeping better, and were no longer the scared little girls we had encountered a few weeks ago! They were able to express themselves with confidence, and they laughed more! They had been healed!
But our work does not stop there. Very sadly, there have been new additions to the home. So we will continue going there to share our love and light with them, continue giving Reiki, continue helping them heal.
We also donated Sanitary towels, pampers, mattresses, bed sheets, pillow cases and towels. With a view to help them heal emotionally, we gave them lots of colouring pencils and paints and drawing books, so they could express themselves in colour, and we bought each of them a plant to water and look after.
Due to the sensitive nature of this assignment, we could not take out any photographs.
The Sevaks that did this Seva were: Mamta, Punita, Anuradha, Shalini, Sharifa, Ashraff, Dee, Kamal, Lata, Balvinder and Raj.
Thank you LHSG for taking the first steps toward mitigating the plight of these Masoom , innocent souls.
This is just the first step.
We will continue to visit them, heal them give them succor.
Our love and light for the end to trafficking in human beings especially those so young, so innocent whom God has given us as a gift to love and cherish.
This is going to change the lives of those we touch.
Thank God for REIKI into our lives. Unfortunately I could not join in this Seva. I feel so great about the fact that LHSG have brought smiles to these young lives and now they can live with positivity and love in their hearts. God bless these girls and the Lhsg members who did this sevs.
Thank God for Reiki, and for bringing Kamal into our lives, so that we can do sewa.
The girls were just accepting and giving out unconditional love!
Guru bless them and keep them safe and under his guidance.