Vedic Meditation

Ohm symbol

What is meditation? Is it the act of sitting in uncomfortable poses for long periods of time, concentrating with crossed eyes, or visualizing various beautiful sceneries? According to the ancient spiritual texts of the Hindus, The Vedas, it is none of these.

Meditation is not a verb. It is a noun, a ‘state of being’. It is the ultimate realization that ‘You are That’ you are the goal you seek. Meditation leads you to the state Self Realisation and God Realisation.

The end product of Meditation is perfect Bliss. And who does not want that? However, even along the way, even before you reach the final stage, you will reap many benefits. You will have improved health, you will be calmer, less disturbed about things that used to disturb you previously, more loving, and more with the flow of life, and more and more happy.

Learning Vedic Meditation

The course consists of the following topics:

  • Developing discipline in our life regarding our senses
  • Ahimsa (non injury); speaking the truth and honesty
  • Tyagah; giving up or abstaining
  • Maunam; the power of Silence and meditating on the same
  • Desah; solitude, being comfortable with oneself, and comfortable with being by yourself
  • Kalah; time and its meaning. Meditating on ‘the now’
  • Asanam and Mulabandh; the right posture, mental attitude and understanding the root of all existence
  • Deha Samya; importance of keeping the body still
  • Drk Stithih; meditation by Focusing on a symbol
  • Pranayama; its importance in meditation
  • Pratyahara; realising the One Self in everything
  • Dharana; meditation by focusing on a chakra
  • Dhyanam; concentration in meditiation
  • Samadhih; identifying with the Self and merging with IT (Brahman)
  • Obstacles to meditation
  • Signs of a Sat Guru
  • How to tell you are making progress in meditation?

The course is taught over 5 interactive workshops of 2.5 hours each. At the end of each workshop there is a meditation. The workshops are spread over a period of a few days, usually between 7 -14 days.

It is carried out in person, with groups of at least 10 people, but can be done for smaller groups with prior arrangement.

There is no charge for this course, but donations for Charity are welcome.

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