One of the advantages of doing online trainings is that we can reach out to anyone not only next door, not only in your city or country, but across the Globe to anyone in any place or country! And of course Reiki graces us with her power of reaching across space and time!
And so it is that our little Reiki 1 farm workers children in Nasarpur, Sindh, Pakistan received the Reiki Second Level training over 2 Saturday afternoons: 24th September and 1st October. They were 26 in number, eager and excited to learn how to send Reiki to sick people, how to bless souls, how to heal relationships, and how to give Reiki to intentions.
These children come from poor families, and don’t have much to begin with. But as they do Reiki Level 2 self-healing, they will become rich with tremendous new possibilities in their lives.
Lotus Healing Seva Group is eternally grateful for this seva to our LHSG Member in Pakistan: Vikram Narain, who is these children’s teacher, and who bent backwards to ensure the smooth running of the camp on both Saturdays. Many thanks to his wife and sister who prepared the children’s lunches of potato biryani and kadhi and rice on the two days. The lunch for both days was sponsored by our LHSG UK members. Many thanks to them too.
Do watch the slide show and video that follows.
Kamal Tolia
LHSG Founder Member
Slide Show:
As we reach across the globe, listen to personal stories we know that indeed we can celebrate 17 years of giving, healing and lighting the path for so many.
LHSG is a power house of healers. Just what the world needs
This is so wonderful. Thank you for the videos.