Hoponopono Workshop
Our UAE in charge Kirtikala Kamdar held a special Ho’oponopono Workshop on line. There aren’t any photos and videos, but some very nice feedback, which she has shared below.
Love and Light to all!
Kamal Tolia
LHSG Founder Member
I had 9 people attend the Ho’oponopono workshop which I conducted on 13th December. I explained the technique. They did Ho’oponopono with one person who had hurt them and felt the emotion from high to going down. 2 ladies felt emotional. One was interested in healing the ancestors as well when i told we can do that . One lady said she felt very much connected with all that I said and was eager to start the process. They liked the process of connecting to the divine within.
Dipti Shaji LHSG UAE, helped me in conducting the workshop
Gratitude to the Universe for giving me this opportunity.
Kirtikala Kamdar
LHSG UAE in charge
- Thnx kirti fr d lovely Hoponopono session. It was good to interact with all of you. Moreover after d chanting of Ho’oponopono 4 lines i felt at ease because in many incidents i used to feel guilty & blame myself fr all the wrong happenings in life -I m happy to learn in the session to uplift ourselves & to ease our burden -heartfelt Thanks to Dipti too.
- Thank you so much Kirtiji for the wonderful session today. A simple procedure to let go negative memories from the past and move on. A special thanks to Dipti for introducing us to this idea and encouragement.
- Thank you Kirti ji for this wonderful session about Hooponopono. Biggest of the forgivenesses is forgiving ourselves. That will enlighten us about ourselves first.. Once we get relieved from the burdens in our heart we will feel free and tend to enjoy this god-gifted life wisely and live it to its fullest.
- I have a habit of talking to myself.. I talk with me in mirror like talking to a friend and sometimes I scold myself for the troubles I have put myself in.. Never have I asked for forgiveness from myself.. So I’m going to seek forgiveness from myself, forgive me myself and be happy with the guilt free Me. Thank you once again for showing us such an amazing way.
- Thank you so much Kirtiji for today’s wonderful session. Really enjoyed attending this and learning this simple and practical method to ease our burden. A very big thanks to my dear friend Dipti for introducing me to this and making it possible for me to attend. Lots of love Kirtiji and Dipti.
- Thank u so much Kirtiji for this wonderful session ….I really enjoyed attending it …and was feeling so happy to learn how we can uplift ourself and make us free from carrying any burden by doing Ho’oponopono …heartfelt Thanks to u for making us understand it sooo well …May Babas blessings be always with u.
- Thank you Thank you Thank you. With ABUNDANCE love and Gratitude kirtiji.
- Thanks kirti for showing us the path of forgiveness and path of spirituality.. it takes lot of courage and patience to what all you shared and how you transformed urself.. I wish I can do it one day and wish luck to myself.. but for u (just hugs)
Thank you for this inspirational story! I enjoyed reading the messages from participants.
This was a wonderful tool I had learnt from Kamal Tolia Aunty and it helped me move on with many people and many incidents of my own life and so I decided to teach this to every individual I come across who needs this therapy.
Grateful to have learnt this 🙂