Forgiveness Workshop London

A lovely church hall in Harrow was the venue for the workshop on Forgiveness held by Kamal Tolia. Although it started at 7 pm and went on till 10 pm on a working day, it was well attended. The more than 40 people audience was truly committed to learn how to forgive, and in the process grow personally.

As in all workshops conducted by Kamal, they were divided into groups at the beginning and given questions to answer. Then each group presented their answers. They came up with wonderful examples of what not forgiving can do to our health and happiness, including the analogy of keeping a potato with us even after it was rotten through and through!

The exercise for forgiving was done sincerely by all, some having a cleansing emotional release. At the end, they were asked to do a mass consciousness release (forgiveness) exercise for various hurt people in our society eg. Abused, abandoned, raped women and children, soldiers traumatized by war, etc. On behalf of such victimized sections of society, they released the hurt, the shame, the fear, and other negative emotions and so did their bit to help heal humanity.


20100803-Forgiveness Workshop London
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