Reiki Seva Oshwal Centre UK

The LHSG (UK) was invited by The Oshwal (UK) committee to do Seva of giving Reiki to the public on their annual ‘Kite Flying’ mela (festival).

The day dawned bright and clear, thank God, (weather is very important in Britain!) assuring us of good numbers on that day. Bina, (Leader of LHSG UK)), Neha, Indu, Bharti, Hansamasi, Manojbhai, and Kamal set up their Reiki room, put up the LHSG banner at the entrance, and waited excitedly for people to walk into their healing chamber.

Nothing happened for a while. People seemed more interested (understandably) in flying their kites and enjoying the fresh air and good weather on the grounds.

But then Indu had a brilliant idea. She, Neha and Bharti went out on the grounds and personally started talking to the people about Reiki and inviting them for the free healing. And that did it! They came in a steady stream after that! All willingly paid the fee of UK pd 3 (some gave even more than that), and went away feeling relaxed, some of them even pain free!

From 10 am to 4 pm, the Group did this Seva. By the end of the day we had treated more than 50 people!

Kudos to Hansaben who despite her 75 years continued healing one client after another, stopping only for half an hour for lunch!

Thanks to Dipen Shah, Treasurer, Oshwal Committee UK, who made this event for LHSG possible.

The 200 pounds collected were used to buy sacks of Sugar and Rice to feed the poor (more than 900) that come to the Jalaram Temple in Nairobi every day. On behalf of the UK group, the Kenya Group helped in serving the poor on Thursday 16th Sept. 2010.


20100822-Reiki Seva Oshwal Centre UK

20100916-Feeding the Jalaram Poor
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